PETRONE / LINK / Protocol / DateType
Modified : 2017.10.18

Introduce data type.

PETRONE LINK extends and uses PETRONE's communication protocol.
LINK via the COMMAND that you use to control PETRONE. The commands for control LINK are not forwarded to PETRONE, Other data are broadcast both sides by LINK.


Extends data type for LINK and uses PETRONE's data type protocol.

namespace Protocol
    namespace DataType
        enum Type
            // LINK Module
            LinkState = 0xE0,       // LINK module's state
            LinkEvent,              // LINK module's event
            LinkEventAddress,       // LINK module's event + Address
            LinkRssi,               // RSSI value on the device associated with the link.
            LinkDiscoveredDevice,   // Discovered Device
            LinkPasscode,           // Passcode for pairing


  1. Intro
  2. Typedef
  3. DataType
  4. Definitions
  5. Base Structs
  6. Structs
  7. Structs - Light
  8. Firmware Update
  1. Intro
  2. DataType
  3. Definitions
  4. Structs
  5. Examples
