PETRONE / BLE / Protocol / DataType
Modified : 2018.02.13

Introduce data type.


Data type

namespace Protocol
    namespace DataType
        enum Type
            None = 0,                   // none

            // System information
            Ping,                       // ping device(reserved)
            Ack,                        // Response to data receive
            Error,                      // error(reserved)
            Request,                    // Request data of the specified type
            // Control, Command
            Control = 0x10,             // Control
            Command,                    // Command
            Command2,                   // Multiple Command(double command)
            Command3,                   // Multiple Command(triple command)
            // LED
            LightMode = 0x20,           // LED mode
            LightMode2,                 // LED mode x2
            LightModeCommand,           // LED mode, Command
            LightModeCommandIr,         // LED mode, Command, IR data
            LightModeColor,             // LED mode 3 colors
            LightModeColor2,            // LED mode 3 colors x2
            LightEvent,                 // LED event
            LightEvent2,                // LED event x2 
            LightEventCommand,          // LED event, Command
            LightEventCommandIr,        // LED event, Command, IR data
            LightEventColor,            // LED event 3 colors
            LightEventColor2,           // LED event 3 colors x2
            LightModeDefaultColor,      // LED mode default 3 color.
            LightModeDefaultColor2,     // LED mode default 3 color x2
            // State 
            Address = 0x30,             // Device address
            State,                      // Drone state (Vehicle mode, Coordinate, battery)
            Attitude,                   // Drone attitude(Vector)
            GyroBias,                   // Drone gyro bias(Vector)
            TrimAll,                    // Drone trim all
            TrimFlight,                 // Drone trim flight
            TrimDrive,                  // Drone trim drive
            CountFlight,                // count of flight
            CountDrive,                 // count of drive
            // IR Data transmission
            IrMessage = 0x40,           // IR data send & recieve
            // Sensor control
            ImuRawAndAngle = 0x50,      // IMU Raw + Angle
            Pressure,                   // Pressure sensor
            ImageFlow,                  // ImageFlow
            Button,                     // Button command
            Battery,                    // Battery
            Motor,                      // Motor control and check current value 
            Temperature,                // Temperature sensor
            Range,                      // Range sensor
            // Firmware update
            UpdateLookupTarget = 0x90,	// Update device lookup
            UpdateInformation,          // Update information
            Update,                     // Update ( block size 16 )
            UpdateLocationCorrect,      // Update location correct


  1. Intro
  2. Typedef
  3. DataType
  4. Definitions
  5. Base Structs
  6. Structs
  7. Structs - Light
  8. Firmware Update
  1. Intro
  2. DataType
  3. Definitions
  4. Structs
  5. Examples
