petrone for python / Drone

Modified : 2018.2.12

Introduce drone module

Drone classes

Drone class constructor

Drone classes constructor as follows :

def __init__(self, flagCheckBackground = True, flagShowErrorMessage = False, flagShowLogMessage = False, flagShowTransferData = False, flagShowReceiveData = False):
Name Description
flagCheckBackground Check received data in background
flagShowErrorMessage Show error message
flagShowLogMessage Show log message
flagShowTransferData Display the send data array
flagShowReceiveData Display the receive data array

If Drone class constuctor does not call specify it's initial variable flagCheckBackground is True and all ohter value is False. If flagCheckBackground is True, Whenever receive data, Invoke check() function from inner class. If flagCheckBackground is False, Whenever receive data, You must manualy call check() function to process the received data.

Drone class's public methods

Drone class's public methods list.

Name Description
isOpen() Serial port connection status return
isConnected() BLE connection status return
open(portName) Open serial port. If you do not specify a port name, connect to the last detected device. Return True when port is opened
connect(portName, deviceName, flagSystemReset) If the serial port is not open, open the serial port, Search for PETRONE and connect it to the device with the strongest signal. If you specify a deviceName, Connect only when the specified device is discovered. flagSystemReset is use to reset and start the first PETRONE LINK after the serial communication connection. Default value is False.
close() Close serial port
makeTransferDataArray(header, data) Make transfer byte data array.
transfer(header, data) Trnasfer data(Internal call makeTransferDataArray function)
check() Check received data. Returns DataType when Data Received
checkDetail() Check received data. Return header and data to tuple
setEventHandler(dataType, eventHandler) Register a custom function to call when data of a specific type is received
getHeader(dataType) Returns the received header with the specified type of data
getData(dataType) Returns the received data (If does not have data, Return None.)
getCount(dataType) Returns the number of times the specified type was received (If never received data, Return 0.)

Drone class data processing unit

Drone class's receive data processing unit is organized as follows

Name Description
_receiving() Data receiving Thread, Save received data to buffer.
check() Read 1-byte of data stored in the buffer and pass it to the receiver. If one data block received call _handler(), data parsing and return the datatype. Returns DataType.None_ if no data received.
_handler() Save header internally. Data parsing and saved internal class. If event handler is registered call function.

Function list


Name Description
sendPing Send Ping
sendRequest Send Request


Name Description
sendTakeOff Takeoff
sendLanding Landing
sendStop Stop
sendControl Send Flight control
sendControlWhile Send Flight control during the specified time
sendControlDrive Send Drive control
sendControlDriveWhile Send Drive control during the specified time


Name Description
sendCommand Send command
sendModeVehicle Flight/Drive mode change
sendHeadless Headless mode setting
sendTrim Trim setting
sendTrimFlight Flight Trim setting
sendTrimDrive Drive Trim setting
sendFlightEvent Execute flight event
sendDriveEvent Execute drive event
sendClearTrim Clear Trim data
sendClearGyroBias Clear Gyro bias
sendUpdateLookupTarget Check firmware information


Name Description
sendMotor Control motor


Name Description
sendIrMessage Send IR Message


Name Description
sendLightMode Mode setting(Pallet)
sendLightModeCommand Mode setting(Pallet), Command
sendLightModeCommandIr Mode setting(Pallet), Command, IR
sendLightModeColor Mode setting(RGB)
sendLightEvent Event setting(Pallet)
sendLightEventCommand Event setting(Pallet), Command
sendLightEventCommandIr Event setting(Pallet), Command, IR
sendLightEventColor Event setting(RGB)

Name Description
sendLinkModeBroadcast LINK Broadcast mode change
sendLinkSystemReset LINK reset
sendLinkDiscoverStart PETRONE scan start
sendLinkDiscoverStop PETRONE scan stop
sendLinkConnect PETRONE connect
sendLinkDisconnect PETRONE disconnect
sendLinkRssiPollingStart RSSI polling start
sendLinkRssiPollingStop RSSI polling stop

Function declaration.


Send ping

Check drone connection status. Response is ack.

def sendPing(self):


Request data

For request data.

def sendRequest(self, dataType):
Variable name Type and Range Description
dataType DataType data type



This function work only flight mode. ( In Ready state )

def sendTakeOff(self):



This function work only flight mode. ( In Flight state )

def sendLanding(self):



Used to force stop of drone action.

def sendStop(self):


Flight control

Can be used for both flight and drive mode.

def sendControl(self, roll, pitch, yaw, throttle):
Variable name Type and Range Description
roll -100 ~ 100 Roll
pitch -100 ~ 100 Pitch
yaw -100 ~ 100 Yaw
throttle -100 ~ 100 Throttle


Flight control

Can be used for both flight and drive mode. Sends the control commands for the ms specified in timeMs.

def sendControlWhile(self, roll, pitch, yaw, throttle, timeMs):
Variable name Type and Range Description
roll -100 ~ 100 Roll
pitch -100 ~ 100 Pitch
yaw -100 ~ 100 Yaw
throttle -100 ~ 100 Throttle
timeMs 0 ~ 1,000,000 Work time(ms)


Drive control

This function work only drive mode.

def sendControlDrive(self, wheel, accel):
Variable name Type and Range Description
wheel -100 ~ 100 Wheel
accel -100 ~ 100 Accel


Drive control

This function work only drive mode. Sends the control commands for the ms specified in timeMs.

def sendControlDriveWhile(self, wheel, accel, timeMs):
Variable name Type and Range Description
wheel -100 ~ 100 Wheel
accel -100 ~ 100 Accel
timeMs 0 ~ 1,000,000 Work time(ms)


Send command

Send drone command.

The option must have a value or a enumerate value for each type.

def sendCommand(self, commandType, option = 0):
Variable name Type and Range Description
commandType CommandType Command type
option ModeVehicle Option


Vehicle mode setting

You can change the drone to flight or drive mode.

def sendModeVehicle(self, modeVehicle):
Variable name Type and Range Description
modeVehicle ModeVehicle Vehicle mode


Headless mode setting

def sendHeadless(self, headless):
Variable name Type and Range Description
headless Headless Headless mode


Trim setting

def sendTrim(self, trim):
Variable name Type and Range Description
trim Trim Trim setting


Flight Trim setting

def sendTrimFlight(self, roll, pitch, yaw, throttle):
Variable name Type and Range Description
roll -200 ~ 200 Roll
pitch -200 ~ 200 Pitch
yaw -200 ~ 200 Yaw
throttle -200 ~ 200 Throttle


Drive Trim setting

def sendTrimDrive(self, wheel):
Variable name Type and Range Description
wheel -200 ~ 200 Wheel


Send Flight event

def sendFlightEvent(self, flightEvent):
Variable name Type and Range Description
flightEvent FlightEvent Flight event


Send Drive event

def sendDriveEvent(self, driveEvent):
Variable name Type and Range Description
driveEvent DriveEvent Drive event


Clear Flight and Drive Trim

def sendClearTrim(self):


Clear Accel and Gyro Bias

def sendClearGyroBias(self):


Rotate the 4 motors in a predefined direction

def sendMotor(self, motor0, motor1, motor2, motor3):
Variable name Type and Range Description
motor0 0 ~ 4095 Front left moter speed
motor1 0 ~ 4095 Front right moter speed
motor2 0 ~ 4095 Rear right moter speed
motor3 0 ~ 4095 Rear left moter speed


Send IR Message

def sendIrMessage(self, value):
Variable name Type and Range Description
value 0x00000000 ~ 0xFFFFFFFF IR Message value

petrone for python

  1. Intro
  2. System
  3. Protocol
  4. Drone
  5. Examples - Information
