PETRONE / BLE / Protocol / Structs
Modified : 2017.10.18

데이터 송수신 시에 사용하는 구조체들을 소개합니다.


Data that PETRONE sends in a response when it receives data. Returns the internal time of PETRONE and the type of data received. Replies most commands except Ack and Control.

namespace Protocol
    struct Ack
        u32  systemTime;    // receive time
        u8   dataType;      // receive datatype


Used to request data to PETRONE.

namespace Protocol
    struct Request
        u8   dataType;     // request datatype


Used to control data to PETRONE.

namespace Protocol
    struct Control
        s8   roll;        // Roll
        s8   pitch;       // Pitch
        s8   yaw;         // Yaw
        s8   throttle;    // Throttle

Control input values are in the range :

  • Drive mode used only throttle(Forward-Backward) and roll(Left-Right)
Name Type Range Direction Minus(-) Plus(+)
roll s8 -100 ~ 100 Left-Right Left Right
pitch s8 -100 ~ 100 Forward-Backward Backward Forward
yaw s8 -100 ~ 100 Turn Left-Right Counterclockwise Clockwise
throttle s8 -100 ~ 100 Up-Down Down Up


Send one command

namespace Protocol
    struct Command
        CommandBase   command;


Send two command

namespace Protocol
    struct Command2
        CommandBase   command1;
        CommandBase   command2;


Send three command

namespace Protocol
    struct Command3
        CommandBase   command1;
        CommandBase   command2;
        CommandBase   command3;


Return BLE address

namespace Protocol
    struct Address
        u8   address[6];


Return PETRONE state

namespace Protocol
    struct State
        u8          modeVehicle;        // Vehicle mode
        u8          modeSystem;         // System mode 
        u8          modeFlight;         // Flight mode 
        u8          modeDrive;          // Drive mode 
        u8          sensorOrientation;  // Sensor Orientation
        u8          coordinate;         // Headless mode 
        u8          battery;            // Drone battery(0 ~ 100)


Drone Attitude

namespace Protocol
    struct Attitude
        s16          roll;         // Roll
        s16          pitch;        // Pitch
        s16          yaw;          // Yaw

The drones's attitude range of use is as follows :

Name Type Range Description
roll s16 -180 ~ 180 Angle of left-right
pitch s16 -180 ~ 180 Angle of forward-backward
yaw s16 0 ~ 360 Angle of gravity rotated axis

Sensor data value range is follows :

Name Type Range
roll s16 -32768 ~ 32767
pitch s16 -32768 ~ 32767
yaw s16 -32768 ~ 32767


Retruns gyro bias value.

namespace Protocol
    struct GyroBias
        s16          roll;         // Roll
        s16          pitch;        // Pitch
        s16          yaw;          // Yaw


Flight mode trim setting protocol.

namespace Protocol
    struct TrimFlight
        s16          roll;         // Roll
        s16          pitch;        // Pitch
        s16          yaw;          // Yaw
        s16          throttle;     // Throttle


Drive mode trim setting protocol.

namespace Protocol
    struct TrimDrive
        s16          wheel;         // Wheel


All trim setting once.

namespace Protocol
    struct TrimAll
        TrimFlight   flight;
        TrimDrive    drive;


Use to read the stored flight log.

namespace Protocol
    struct CountFlight
        u32     timeFlight;             // Flight time
        u16     countTakeOff;           // count of Takeoff
        u16     countLanding;           // count of Landing
        u16     countAccident;          // count of Accident


Use to read the stored drive log.

namespace Protocol
    struct CountDrive
        u32     timeDrive;              // Drive time
        u16     countAccident;          // count of Accident

countAccident variable make for count of accident. But count may also increase due to the impact of uneven road surfaces during actual driving. Consider it meaningless at this time.


Data that is used to transfer IR data or sent to an external device when IR data is receive by PETRONE

namespace Protocol
    struct IrMessage
        u8  direction;               // Receive direction
        u32 irData;                  // IR message


Returns the value of the gyro sensor and the attitude value of the drone.

namespace Protocol
    struct ImuRawAndAngle
        s16     accX;
        s16     accY;
        s16     accZ;
        s16     gyroRoll;
        s16     gyroPitch;
        s16     gyroYaw;
        s16     angleRoll;
        s16     anglePitch;
        s16     angleYaw;


Retruns pressure sensor. d1 and d2 is output only MS5607. DPS310 use device return only 0.

namespace Protocol
    struct Pressure
        s32		d1;
        s32		d2;
        s32		temperature;
        s32		pressure;
  • Pressure output unit are in millimetres(mm).


Image optical flow calcurated axis position

namespace Protocol
    struct ImageFlow
        s32		positionX;
        s32		positionY;
  • positionX, positionYoutput unit are in millimetres(mm).


Drone button flag

namespace Protocol
    struct Button
        u8      button;


Motor control and check current value

namespace Protocol
    struct Motor
        MotorBase motor[4];


Range sensor data If an additional sensor module is not installed, output only bottom value.

namespace Protocol
    struct Range
        u16	left;
        u16	front;
        u16	right;
        u16	rear;
        u16	top;
        u16	bottom;
  • All unit are in millimetres(mm).


Request firmware Information.
PETRONE has control MCU(Main) and communication MCU(sub). Protocol::UpdateLookupTarget used for request target MCU's Protocol::UpdateInformation

namespace Protocol
    struct UpdateLookupTarget
        u32	deviceType;


Firmware Information
If PC or App send Protocol::UpdateLookupTarget, the device with the deviceType matches it, response Protocol::UpdateInformation.

namespace Protocol
    struct UpdateInformation
        u8      modeUpdate;     // The progress of the update

        u32     deviceType;     // Device type
        u8      imageType;      // Firmware image type  
        u16     imageVersion;   // Firmware image version

        u8      year;           // Firmware build year
        u8      month;          // Firmware build month
        u8      day;            // Firmware build day


Firmware update.
When updating the firmware, the file transfers data that is truncated to 16 bytes. There are no other responses during the Protocol::Update transfer. If a transfer failure occurs, drone sends Protocol::UpdateLocationCorrect. When you receive the packet, you can start sending it again from the block location you specified.

namespace Protocol
    struct Update
        u16     indexBlock;         // Block index(16byte block index)
        u8      dataArray[16];      // data block
  • indexBlock : The value divided by 16 from the actual location of the file.


Correct Firmware Update Locations.
If the firmware update encounters a block that fails to transfer, send a request to send it again from indexBlockNext.

namespace Protocol
    struct UpdateLocationCorrect
        u16     indexBlockNext;     // indexblock number
  • indexBlockNext : The value divided by 16 from the actual location of the file.


  1. Intro
  2. Typedef
  3. DataType
  4. Definitions
  5. Base Structs
  6. Structs
  7. Structs - Light
  8. Firmware Update
  1. Intro
  2. DataType
  3. Definitions
  4. Structs
  5. Examples
