PETRONE_V2 / Protocol / Structs / Display

Modified : 2018.02.14



Pixel color

namespace Display
    namespace Pixel
        enum Type



namespace Display
    namespace Font
        enum Type


String align

namespace Display
    namespace Align
        enum Type



namespace Display
    namespace Line
        enum Type



Clear screen

namespace Protocol
    namespace Display
        struct ClearAll
            u8      pixel;    
Variable Name Type Range Size Description
pixel Display::Pixel::Type - 1 Byte Fill color


선택 영역 지우기

namespace Protocol
    namespace Display
        struct Clear
            s16     x;
            s16     y;
            s16     width;
            s16     height;
            u8      pixel;
Variable Name Type Range Size Description
x int16_t -2000 ~ 2000 2 Byte X axis start position
y int16_t -2000 ~ 2000 2 Byte Y axis start position
width int16_t -2000 ~ 2000 2 Byte Width
height int16_t -2000 ~ 2000 2 Byte Height
pixel Display::Pixel::Type - 1 Byte Pixel color


Invert select area

namespace Protocol
    namespace Display
        struct Invert
            s16     x;
            s16     y;
            s16     width;
            s16     height;
Variable Name Type Range Size Description
x int16_t -2000 ~ 2000 2 Byte X axis start position
y int16_t -2000 ~ 2000 2 Byte Y axis start position
width int16_t -2000 ~ 2000 2 Byte Width
height int16_t -2000 ~ 2000 2 Byte Height


Draw point

namespace Protocol
    namespace Display
        struct DrawPoint
            s16     x;
            s16     y;
            u8      pixel;
Variable Name Type Range Size Description
x int16_t -2000 ~ 2000 2 Byte X axis position
y int16_t -2000 ~ 2000 2 Byte Y axis position
pixel Display::Pixel::Type - 1 Byte Pixel color


Draw line

namespace Protocol
    namespace Display
        struct DrawLine
            s16     x1;
            s16     y1;
            s16     x2;
            s16     y2;
            u8      pixel;
            u8      line;
Variable Name Type Range Size Description
x int16_t -2000 ~ 2000 2 Byte X axis start position
y int16_t -2000 ~ 2000 2 Byte Y axis satrt position
x2 int16_t -2000 ~ 2000 2 Byte X axis end position
y2 int16_t -2000 ~ 2000 2 Byte Y axis end position
pixel Display::Pixel::Type - 1 Byte line color
line Display::Line::Type - 1 Byte line type


Draw rectangle

namespace Protocol
    namespace Display
        struct DrawRect
            s16     x;
            s16     y;
            s16     width;
            s16     height;
            u8      pixel;
            u8      flagFill;
            u8      line;
Variable Name Type Range Size Description
x int16_t -2000 ~ 2000 2 Byte X axis position
y int16_t -2000 ~ 2000 2 Byte Y axis position
width int16_t -2000 ~ 2000 2 Byte Width
height int16_t -2000 ~ 2000 2 Byte Height
pixel Display::Pixel::Type - 1 Byte Pixel color
flagFill uint8_t - 1 Byte 0(do not fill), 1(fill)
line Display::Line::Type - 1 Byte line type


Draw circle

namespace Protocol
    namespace Display
        struct DrawCircle
            s16     x;
            s16     y;
            s16     radius;
            u8      pixel;
            u8      flagFill;
Variable Name Type Range Size Description
x int16_t -2000 ~ 2000 2 Byte X axis center position
y int16_t -2000 ~ 2000 2 Byte Y axis center position
radius int16_t 1 ~ 2000 2 Byte Radius
pixel Display::Pixel::Type - 1 Byte Pixel color
flagFill uint8_t - 1 Byte 0(do not fill), 1(fill)


Draw string

Send strings to display on the screen with ASCII strings attached after drawString structures. The length of the header must have a value (Protocol::Display::DrawString length + Display string length).

namespace Protocol
    namespace Display
        struct DrawString
            s16     x;
            s16     y;
            u8      font;
            u8      pixel;
Variable Name Type Range Size Description
x int16_t -2000 ~ 2000 2 Byte X axis position
y int16_t -2000 ~ 2000 2 Byte Y axis position
font Display::Font::Type - 1 Byte Font
pixel Display::Pixel::Type - 1 Byte Font color
message ASCII String - Less than 30 Byte String


Draw string with align

The string is placed in the align designated location between xStart and xEnd. Send strings to display on the screen with ASCII strings attached after drawString structures. The length of the header must have a value (Protocol::Display::DrawStringAlign length + Display string length).

namespace Protocol
    namespace Display
        struct DrawStringAlign
            s16     xStart;
            s16     xEnd;
            s16     y;
            u8      align;
            u8      font;
            u8      pixel;
Variable Name Type Range Size Description
xStart int16_t -2000 ~ 2000 2 Byte X axis start position
xEnd int16_t -2000 ~ 2000 2 Byte X axis end position
y int16_t -2000 ~ 2000 2 Byte Y axis position
align Display::Align::Type - 1 Byte Align
font Display::Font::Type - 1 Byte Font
pixel Display::Pixel::Type - 1 Byte Font color
message ASCII String - Less than 30 Byte String


  1. Intro
  2. Typedef
  3. DataType
  4. Definitions
  5. Structs
  6. Structs - Light
  7. Structs - Display
