DRONEFIGHTER2017 / Protocol / Structs
Modified : 2018.02.08

Introduce the structures used to send and receive data.


Use for check specific device is exists. Response is ACK type.

namespace Protocol
    struct Ping
        u32  systemTime;   // Ping send time
  • Device that received this data sent Protocol::Ack


Send Ack when the specific data is not requested. This protocols has crc16 of the received data, it can be checked whether the data was transmitted correctly.

namespace Protocol
    struct Ack
        u32     systemTime;     // Recieve time
        u8      dataType;       // Recieve datatype
        u16     crc16;          // Recieve data crc16
  • dataType : Protocol::DataType::Type
  • If the data request clearly, response data. Otherwise is Protocol::Ack respond.
  • The crc16 of the received data was sent back in response. It can be checked whether the data was transmitted correctly.


Request data to Drone Fighter 2017.

namespace Protocol
    struct Request
        u8   dataType;     // Request datatype


Control for drive mode. Ignore in flight mode this command.

namespace Control
    struct Double8
        s8      wheel;      // wheel
        s8      accel;      // accel

Control::Double8 input values are this range

Name Type Range Direction Minus(-) Plus(+)
wheel s8 -100 ~ 100 Left-Right Left Right
accel s8 -100 ~ 100 Forward-Backward Backward Forward


Control for Drone Fighter 2017.

namespace Control
    struct Quad8
        s8      roll;       // roll
        s8      pitch;      // pitch
        s8      yaw;        // yaw
        s8      throttle;   // throttle

Control input values are this range : ! Drive Mode uses throttle(Forward/Backward) and roll (Left/Right).

Name Type Range Direction Minus(-) Plus(+)
roll s8 -100 ~ 100 Left-Right Left Right
pitch s8 -100 ~ 100 Forward-Backward Backward Forward
yaw s8 -100 ~ 100 Turn Left-Right Turn Left Turn Right
throttle s8 -100 ~ 100 Up/Down Down Up


Request data or change settings for Drone Fighter 2017.

namespace Protocol
    struct Command
        u8 commandType;   // command type
        u8 option;        // command option


Respons device address or Change device address.

namespace Protocol
    struct Address
        u8   address[8];
  • Communication device, such as BLE or Zigbee, and when given a unique device address, return device's unique device address. (DroneFighter is using Zigbee for communication and uses communication chip's MAC address.)


Drone Fighter 2017's current state response.

namespace Protocol
    struct State
        u8          modeVehicle;        // vehicle mode.
        u8          modeSystem;         // system mode
        u8          modeFlight;         // flight mode
        u8          modeDrive;          // drive mode
        u8          sensorOrientation;  // sensor orientation
        u8          coordinate;         // coordinate
        u8          battery;            // battery state (0 ~ 100)


Returns the Attitude value.

namespace Protocol
    struct Attitude
        s16          roll;         // Roll
        s16          pitch;        // Pitch
        s16          yaw;          // Yaw

The drones's attitude range of use is as follows :

Name Type Range Description
roll s16 -180 ~ 180 Angle of roll
pitch s16 -180 ~ 180 Angle of pitch
yaw s16 0 ~ 360 Angle of gravity rotated axis


Retruns gyro bias value.

namespace Protocol
    struct GyroBias
        s16          roll;         // Roll
        s16          pitch;        // Pitch
        s16          yaw;          // Yaw

When checking the gyro sensor data, the range of use is as follows :

Name Type Range
roll s16 -32768 ~ 32767
pitch s16 -32768 ~ 32767
yaw s16 -32768 ~ 32767


Flight mode trim setting protocol.

namespace Protocol
    struct TrimFlight
        s16          roll;         // Roll
        s16          pitch;        // Pitch
        s16          yaw;          // Yaw
        s16          throttle;     // Throttle


Drive mode trim setting protocol.

namespace Protocol
    struct TrimDrive
        s16          wheel;         // Wheel


All trim setting once.

namespace Protocol
    struct TrimAll
        TrimFlight   flight;
        TrimDrive    drive;


Use to read the stored flight log.

namespace Protocol
    struct CountFlight
        u32     timeFlight;             // Flight time
        u16     countTakeOff;           // count of Takeoff
        u16     countLanding;           // count of Landing
        u16     countAccident;          // count of Accident


Use to read the stored drive log.

namespace Protocol
    struct CountDrive
        u32     timeDrive;              // Drive time
        u16     countAccident;          // count of Accident

countAccident variable make for count of accident. But count may also increase due to the impact of uneven road surfaces during actual driving. Consider it meaningless at this time.


Data that is used to transfer IR data or sent to an external device when IR data is received.

namespace Protocol
    struct IrMessage
        u32     irData;                  // IR message
  • Drone Fighter 2017 uses only 7 bits. Therefore, only the values from 0 to 127 can be used.


Returns the value of the gyro sensor and the attitude value of the drone.

namespace Protocol
    struct Imu
        u32     systemTime;
        s16     accX;
        s16     accY;
        s16     accZ;
        s16     gyroRoll;
        s16     gyroPitch;
        s16     gyroYaw;
        s16     angleRoll;
        s16     anglePitch;
        s16     angleYaw;


Drone Controller's button input

namespace Protocol
    struct Button
        u8      button;


Operate motor or determine the current motor inputs, Mostly used for operate the 4 motors or to check their movement. Use the following structure as an array in this case :

namespace Protocol
    struct Motor
        u8	direction;
        s16	value;
  • Transport using 4 Protocol::Motor arrays in the data area. Applied to motors 0, 1, 2, 3. The order is from the left front motor to the clockwise. Drone Fighter 2017r can not reverse the motor ; these values are not applicable for motor control when using Motor::Direction:::None or Moto::Direction::Direction::None.

  • direction : Motor::Direction::Type
  • value : 0 ~ 4095


Used to operate one motor or check current inputs to the motor.

namespace Protocol
    struct MotorSingle
        u8	target;
        u8	direction;
        s16	value;
  • Used to operate motor of specified number. Drone Fighter 2017 can not reverse the motor ; these values are not applicable for motor control when using Motor::Direction:::None or Moto::Direction::Direction::None.
  • target : Motor::Part::Type
  • direction : Motor::Direction::Type
  • value : 0 ~ 4095


Joystick input value of one axis.

namespace Protocol
    struct JoystickBlock
        s8      x;              // X axis(-100 ~ 100)
        s8      y;              // Y aixs(-100 ~ 100)
        u8      direction;      // Joystick direction (Joystick::Direction::Type)
        u8      event;          // Joystick event (Joystick::Event::Type)
        u8      command;        // Joystick command (Joystick::Command::Type)


Joystick input value of the left and right.

namespace Protocol
    struct Joystick
        Protocol::JoystickBlock     left;
        Protocol::JoystickBlock     right;


Use for joystick buzzer.

namespace Protocol
    struct Buzzer
        u8      mode;   // Buzzer mode
        u16     value;  // Octave scale or hz
        u16     time;   // Playing time(ms)


Use for joystick vibrator

namespace Protocol
    struct Vibrator
        u8      mode;   // vibrator mode(0 is set, 1 is reserve)
        u16     on;     // vibrator on time(ms)
        u16     off;    // vibrator off time(ms)
        u16     total;  // total playing time(ms)


Specify the desired function for each button and joystick direction in Joystick setting mode.

namespace Protocol
    struct UserInterface
        u8      command;    // command
        u8      function;   // function


Used to pairing the device.

namespace Protocol
    struct Pairing
        u16     addressLocal;
        u16     addressRemote;
        u8      channel;
  • addressLocal : 0x0001 ~ 0xFFFE, 0x0000은 사용하지 않음, 0xFFFF는 Broadcasting에 사용
  • addressRemote : 0x0001 ~ 0xFFFE, 0x0000은 사용하지 않음, 0xFFFF는 Broadcasting에 사용
  • channel : 0 ~ 255(Undetermination)


  1. Intro
  2. Typedef
  3. DataType
  4. Definitions
  5. Structs
  6. Structs - Light
